The Ark of the Covenant had been in Obed-Edom’s house for 3 months and it was time for it to come home. It was time for it to rest in its rightful place in the City of David, a place that David himself had made (2Samuel 6:12-19). Can you imagine how full David’s heart must have been, knowing that at long last the ark of the Lord was returning to its people ~ the Lord’s chosen people ~ David’s people. The story tells us that David sacrificed burnt offerings before the Lord and when he had finished he blessed the people, gave them gifts of wine, meat and bread ~ for it was a celebration. Then everyone went to his own house to celebrate in private if they chose to do so.
In the midst of this celebration, with his heart full of love and awe for his Lord, David pens Psalm 15:1~5. David, filled with the spirit fully sees the awesomeness of his God, the splendor of His Holiness and in the fullness of this knowledge he asks two simple questions:
“Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? (Psalm 15:1)
The Lord replies: (Psalm 15:2-5)
2: He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who
speaks the truth from his heart
3: and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and
casts no slur on his fellowman,
4: who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the Lord, who
keeps his oath even when it hurts,
5: who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against
the innocent.
He who does these things will never be shaken.
I have to confess when I read those words my heart ached. The sharp sword of His truth stabbed my heart like a dagger and my eyes clinched together as if to say ~ Lord, don’t show me anymore! You see, God doesn’t require that I attain great wealth, notoriety or have a long list of letters after my name. No, He simply says:
• live your life so others will know you are a follower of me,
• keep your tongue from speaking lies and gossip,
• love your neighbor,
• do what you have said you will do,
• don't follow those who have no respect for me, my name or my word,
• give honor to those who serve me,
• give to others without expecting anything in return,
• protect the innocent
So how can this seemingly simple list provoke such a reaction? Because the condition of the human heart is sin sick. It’s the old “lust of/living in the flesh” that raises its head and demands to have its way. In my own flesh I cannot abide by these simple rules even though they may seem easy. However; Galatians 5:16 tells us “ This I say then, Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.”
There is the answer: I need to do more spirit walking and less flesh living! How about you? Do you find yourself being led away from God’s truth by living in the flesh? Things that may not be wrong but we waste time focusing on them. That’s Satan’s trap ~ to keep us busy and not focused on kingdom work. Let’s be in agreement that we will start today doing as David did ~ focusing our attention on Christ and drawing near to him.
How is that accomplished you ask? By praying and listening for God to speak to you; by reading His word daily and by living a life that is pleasing to him.
Lord, thank you for hearts that are open and ready for your touch. A touch that can cause us to realize the path we are traveling, a touch that so lovingly guides us back to you. The world is very quick to offer exactly what our flesh wants, but Lord only you offer us exactly what our sick hearts need ~ you! Fill us with your spirit Lord so we will walk (live) in it and not be guided by our own selfish desires and motives.
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