John 4
“Come, see a Man”
The story of the Samaritan woman and her encounter with Jesus holds within itself many stories. It is the story of God’s love and redemption for mankind, it is a story of prejudice, it is a story of spiritual blindness and indifference to those around us and it is a story of sowing seeds for God. That is my focus today ~ sowing seeds of God’s word.
The encounter with Jesus at the well changed the life of the Samaritan woman. It gave her hope and another chance to step out of the life she was currently living, one of self degradation and destruction and into a life filled with acceptance and worth.
But the change in her life didn’t just stop there. God’s word tells us in
John 4:28~29
The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city,
and said to the men,
and said to the men,
COME SEE A MAN, who told me all things that ever I did.
Could this be the Christ?
Could this be the Christ?
What happened next is the power of speaking God’s word to others ~ sowing His seed.
John 4:30
Then they went out of the city and THEY CAME TO HIM.
John 4:39
And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him BECAUSE OF THE WORD OF THE WOMAN WHO TESTIFIED, “He told me all that I ever did.”
John 4:42
Then they (the Samaritans) said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.”
They “came to Him” “and many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified”. How powerful God’s word is to draw mankind to Himself. Could God do this on his own ~ draw people to Himself? Absolutely! However, God in His matchless love and mercy allows us to be involved in the plan of His redemption for mankind. He places us here ~ right where we are ~ to sow the seeds of His Gospel message to those we encounter every day.
That is what the nameless woman at the well did. She was doing what her normal daily routine demanded her to do ~ go draw water from the well. And while there she drew from the well of the love of God ~ she left behind her waterpot and returned with The Living Water and poured it out on the men of that city.
Her simple act brought many people of that city to the saving knowledge that Christ, the Savior of the world had come.
Now, let me ask you. Who will come to Christ because of the words you sow? God’s word in Matthew 28:19~20 tells us to: “Go, Make, Baptize and Teach”. This isn’t something Christ is suggesting for us to do when and if we feel like it. It is a command. The fields are white for the harvest ~ are you going? Will you go and sow the seeds of His saving grace for those who are thirsting to death for His Living Water?
Lord, let me ever be mindful of those around me who are so desperate for your water of life. I pray for the Christians in America, and all over the world that we would stand boldly for you and let your life giving water pour out of us and revive the souls who need to drink the water of your saving grace.
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